Implementation of Robotics Process Automation Boosts Efficiency at Maitland Group

Adoption of Robotic Process Automation

Adoption of Robotic Process Automation “RPA Implementation Brings 54% Efficiency Boost for Curo Fund Services in Price Source and Scrubbing Teams” Curo Fund Services, a leading provider of fund services, has seen a significant increase in efficiency thanks...
Implementation of Robotics Process Automation Boosts Efficiency at Maitland Group

Exploring the Impact of Robotic Process Automation

Exploring the Impact of Robotic Process Automation “LarcAI CEO Jannie Strydom asserts the disruptive and transformational benefits of RPA, including improved efficiency, quality, scalability, and resiliency” Robotic process automation (RPA) is a versatile...
Implementation of Robotics Process Automation Boosts Efficiency at Maitland Group

The Emergence of AI & Robotics in Industry & Society

The emergence of AI and robotics in industry and society Jannie Strydom, CEO at LarcAI, believes that the integration of AI and robotics will lead to the creation of new and exciting job opportunities for humans, rather than causing displacement. Artificial...
Implementation of Robotics Process Automation Boosts Efficiency at Maitland Group

Artificial Intelligence’s Role in Job Creation

Artificial Intelligence’s Role in Achieving President Trump’s Job Creation Promise “AI and Robotics could be instrumental in returning outsourced American factories back home”, according to Jannie Strydom, CEO of LarcAI Artificial intelligence...